Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Reminder: Alastair Mackenzie on Mentalist Tonight, More

Quick reminders:
Alastair Mackenzie will be the featured guest on the hit CBS show "The Mentalist" which airs TONIGHT at 9pm(ET). They usually upload the show later online, so hopefully those who can not access this show tonight will be able to see Al in action as mastermind criminal mind- control genius/madman still awesome man lol! :)

Also, Richard Jobson director of Alastair in New Town Killers will be appearing at the Sci-Fi London event on May 2nd at 4:15pm, where he will be taking part in a panel on "The problem of SciFi/Fantasy Filmmaking." I am sure his work with A Woman in Winter, starring the awesome Jamie Sives, will be mentioned; hope but doubtful their will be much other news of this panel, hope one day Mr J will update his site with more on that film as well.

What Richard Jobson has been doing is a string of radio interviews, with a new one online today here via BBC Radio 6 and the Chris Hawkins show. In this interview he gives much more detail on the use of music in New Town Killers, notably on Isa & the Filthy Tongues. Final reminder of course that the first single from the movie and the fabulous new song from Isa will be released NEXT Week! :) (same as the new single from Franz, but I digress lol)


  1. Thanks for letting us all know about this, Sue. Where do you find this kind of information??

    I watched it yesterday, and I enjoyed it very much. It's not often I get to watch one of my fav actors in one of my fav shows :-).


  2. Hi Marit!!!

    Im sooo glad you got to see the show! I often feel frustrated because living here in the States, we always have to wait awhile to see UK programs etc, so I can really relate to how you feel! Alastair was so NON archie like, you hated his character, the show kept you guessing; really liked the whole thing I have to say. More Al on TV Film anywhere I say lol!

    Thanks ever so much for reading and commenting, I honestly really appreciate it very much! Cheers! :)
