Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Off the Deep End!

With the weather continuing to be horrible here at least (no sign that spring may actually arrive anytime soon le woe) I rather appreciated seeing the latest photos from the set of Spread surfaced online today, as its proof there is better weather someplace lol (and I need to seriously think whether flying to Scotland is the wise choice when I could zip off to the islands where there is NO SNOW)

Off in glorious and warm LA, David Mackenzie (or maybe this is the type of stuff the second unit does? dunno hmmm) was filming on location scenes at a sunny pool location, where the star of Spread, Ashton Kutcher, was going off the deep end...well probably just the middle of the pool, but boy does that water look nice! Gossip sites Popsugar, PacificCoastNews and the ever on the spot JustJared were quick of course, to post a slew of pics of our hero trumpeting 'he's shirtless zomg!!!!' but they also managed to include some pics that show a few pieces of equipment they use on set.

Here is a scene en progress-not sure what that is beside the camera, maybe a mic or a still camera or something?

Anyway, the difference a few years makes couldn't be more striking because it was almost this time several years now wow, when they were filming off in the cold loch for Hallam Foe. I distinctly remember Colin blogging on his HallamFoe blog (getyourpeople.com) several times about that shoot, and a later re-shoot as well as filming at the tanks at Pinewood Studio. Water scenes always seem to me to be so complicated, and so incredibly easy to botch up that I always appreciate when the mechanics of these scenes are explained. I am sure the scene at the 'black lagoon' was hard, for even Jamie Bell wrote about it in ElleUK when said "I have to do several scenes that require me to jump into the loch which isnt very funny. It's bloody freezing and not flattering for the old manhood in any way. It's so cold I find it impossible to stay in for more than five seconds at a time. The director is shouting 'Stay In!,' but my brain is saying "Out out out!" The scene was pivotal of course for the movie, and Im so glad he was able to make it through those (and Claire of course) because as beautiful as this loch is, no way would I want to take a dip in there!

Regardless, the case in point here is: the two scenes couldnt be more different, and I'm certain David is appreciating the difference in filming. ....Though gotta say, as wonderful as water sports and the guys are, its hard to determine which is the better errrm catch from the water by these pics ;) heee !

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