Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Rounding Up Mister Foe

As I think much more important things are taking precedent than feeding a pathetic twee fascination with things from my favorite film company in Glasgow, Scotland, information on films from Sigma continues to be rare in coming, however I did stumble over two tiny bits of news today:

*Rounding Up Donkeys: Mercifully, there is one other person out here who seems to be paying any attention to the progress of the sequel to Red Road, as the director David Cairns (and apparent friend of director Morag Mckinnon) has updated his blog with a nugget that Rounding Up Donkeys may "be ready by the time of next year’s Berlin Film Festival, in which case, watch out Germany." MOST EXCELLENT NEWS! Thank you so much for these tidbits! As Sigma is always well well received at Berlin, especially as witnessed for Hallam Foe, this bodes well for getting this film off to a good start -and hopefully generating some good press/net mentions too.
(Attention Helge; GET WELL SOON and then lets go to Berlin next year!) Speaking of Berlin- That premiere video of Hallam Foe at Berlin is still worth watching again- I need to learn how to nab this for the iPod/YouTube dang it. Clearly Colin was there filming loads of stuff of Jamie, Sophia and David- dunno if he will ever upload any of that; if he did I never saw anything of note aside from the applause thing at the press conference, but a girl can always hope lol

*Mister Foe: Showing this week (21, 22) at the Shanghai Film Festival, the news is still misleading on when exactly this movie will actually be released here in the US. In a wrap up of the recent Seattle International Film Festival, the local paper says that Mister Foe is due to open back in that city in two weeks. I think this may be wrong, but heh you never know, so maybe some lucky viewers in that city can see the film. But just as a reminder:


Speaking of promoting, I do find it curious that the trailer for Mister Foe is starting to be shown on those 'previews' shows- you know the ones where they all claim exclusive first looks lmao and then just show the trailers from about four movies each week. Such is the case for Mister Hallam Foe Trailer, which is showing on HDNET, for the minor few who can afford that obscure channel and havent already seen the slew of links to the trailer on virtually every mainstream movie site on the net. Do I sound bitter? LOL Right, try to be optimistic!

Ok speaking of optimistic, someone made a widget featuring that dreadful, cluttered and not -spending -my- money-buying-that- messed up US Mister Hallam Foe poster and has the trailer -note it still says the May 23 date, like it reads on the Magnolia site, but heh at least its something.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Sue! You're awesome as usual :)

    btw I should've had the surgery today, but unfortunately it had to be cancelled at the LAST moment... when I was almost on the table LOL. So I'm planning to to the hospital again (in two weeks or so) and If I'm lucky, I'll be back home in three weeks :) In which case I guess there'll be a chance for me to go to Berlin.. I decided not to plan anything though. Hope - maybe, plans - no more thank you. God LOVES my plans. Feels like my plans are his favourite ones, they make him laugh all the time...
