this month I will get a clue.....a clue about what is going on with things I blog about here. Maybe.. we will hear some news this week on what is going on with Sigma these days.
Alls been very very silent from the Sigma front; but perhaps that the quiet before the spring Sigma storm a bloomin' ... or something ;)
Maybe... good news this week, as they announce the
Edinburgh Film Festival lineup. At this point I've pratically run out of hope on actual info on
Rounding up Donkeys (or is it officially
Donkeys?), but who knows; no idea if they've done test screens or what is going on with that, so for those -and
yes in fact there are many who have asked- I simply have no idea what is going on with that, sorry :(Same for the
Advance Party II films. No idea when all that is going to go into action. Yes the blog page has been up for months on
getyourpeople; fingers crossed there will be some beginnings in the next few weeks or so. Thats a huge undertaking I should think, eight films and crews and all thats involved takes a great deal of planning and co-ordination-even on wee budgets that would still mean considerable planning, so I reckon we may hear about them going into production this summer I hope. BTW Scottish Screen ran a piece in the
latest RoughCuts on Advance Party II which basically was the press release on the new project. There is also a full page ad for the
excellent Serious Facilities, which of course are based at FCG and part of the Trifecta of S.
Still no word on official ticket info for the opening and subsequent screenings/areas it will be playing for Richard Jobson's
New Town Killers,starring Sigmas own Alastair Mackenzie and of course Dougray Scott. Heard its at the Omni Vue in Edinburgh and will be a party afterward on June 11, but as for when it opens wide (at least in UK) no idea. As noted before Richard Jobson was a guest at Sci-Fi London. A friend attended one of his panels, said Mr. J was eloquent and blunt and impressive as usual; not sure how the screening of his Digital film went.
Film City Glasgow will be hopping this summer I know, with at least films basing there (doesnt seem to word on Jamie Bell and Legion of the Ninth alas). On their
official Facebook group page, its been noted that "We also are welcoming back Black Camel Productions to the building. They are joining us until June and will be building a set and filming in Film City. Finestripe Productions are are basing their production of "The Week We Went To War" at Film City and will be with us until September.
Jamie Sives watch (cause he's all gloriously part of the territory here). Small bit of news today regarding
It's a Wonderful Afterlife, where we
learn that like Jamie in the film, Sendhil Ramamurthy of Heroes fame (and mate of Jamie) is also playing a police detective. "I am the south Indian detective who is brought in to investigate the murders. So I'm a bit of an outsider trying to fit into the community as it's all north Indian. In fact even on the sets, everyone was making fun of me and even the food is all north Indian," said Sendhil." I believe that film should be wrapping main photography in the next week or so? Bonus: You can see Jamie all this month, as Showtime is screening
Love and other Disasters multiple times, schedule here.
Adorable film, Sweet Findlay i would have saved you :)))
Random: Camilla Rutherford,
Colin Kennedy's leading lady in "I Love Luci," was
recently featured in the Telegraph, in a piece about her life and homes now as a single mom. Totally could relate to that, as tis just me and my boy here, but alas certainly dont have a posh Victorian flat, which seemed quite lovely. My home on the other hand is the smallest in the hood and generally the one where the neighbors stroll by and frown at the random assortment of bikes, unkept garden with stray weed and my deliberately hideous garden gnome, plus the location of kool-aid stands and bowls outside to feed the stray cats that roam the neighborhood... and was recently the site of a victory. Still following along? ;p Yes, I was ever so proud as I finally got down a stray (hugely annoying but somewhat amusing to me) left over Christmas small reindeer statue that had blown up on the roof during one of unending storms this winter, got freakily stuck by the chimney. I managed to haul it down myself without breaking either my neck or back this weekend, and provided another source of amusement and scorn for the jackass 6 foot 4 neighbor who sat on his back porch pounding beer with his four smelly golfing buddies and watched me do this all myself and didnt offer to help. pfftt! Aw how I long for days when chivalry and actually helping out others still existed!