Saturday, February 12, 2011

Valentine From Jamie Sives

Here's something sweet for this Valentines weekend ;D
As some of you may already know we saw this new photo of Jamie earlier this week (via Den of Geeks) from his guest star turn in the upcoming episode of Outcasts, which airs Mon, 14 Feb. Honestly I saw a clip from this show and I could swear its a scene thats a huge ass spoiler to his character so not gonna link, but still the episode should be good, can't wait!

In addition to that photo, Jamie has also added a few more, including one very very cool photo of this well read talented handsome guy chillaxing at home, PLAYING HIS GUITAR (is that a Babyshambles poster on the wall too?)...and bare feet, jammies .... Jamie jams in his jammies..heee!
ok I'll stop but sorry lovvvesss *thud* :D
If you'd like to hear more of Jamie singing and playing, be sure to check out his performance at the Eilidh Brown Memorial Concert here, or listen to his music made with the Conegatherers here.

You can also see another of Jamie with his good friend JJ Feild as they are interviewed for the BIFAs earlier this year, along with rather familar poster for "Shellshock" which as readers here will know is the UK name for Triage, and is coming out on DVD next week on the 17th. You can see all of these, plus a photo of him singing at the Eilidh Brown charity concert (Pls. note Im NOT on FB, but the great and lovely people at the Eilidh Brown Memorial Fund charity kindly linked to me and included the photo of him singing) Be sure to check out some older photos from his shooting star group shot, press for Wilbur I think in Japan and more via his official IMDB page.

baby plays guitar, and the world is right :)
Thank you Jamie~ LOVE LOVE LOVE


  1. Noice pics of Jamie! :)

    Outcasts.... good?!?!
    How can Outcasts be good if they keep bumping off characters who are played by actors named Jamie!!!!
    Not to mention that they are probably the most interesting characters in the show as well.

    But never fear, Game of Thrones will blow everything out of the water! That's the one I can't wait for!!!!!

    Thanks again for the pics Sue and to Jamie for putting them up on IMDB.

    Happy Valentines Day to all.


  2. Cheers to you Ollie!

    Totally agree with you on the other Jamie (B) Gah, bad move on their part Im afraid. Still am looking forward to Jamie S episode even tho I know there's a stormy fate ahead for him there too lol

    Rock on for Game of Thrones...where Jamie will def have more than one episode lol ROLL ON APRIL!

    Thanks again for stopping by; hope your week is a good one! :)
